Berkeley Lab

Emotional Intelligence Info Session on Oct. 17

This presentation is a part of the “Perspectives on Diversity” series presented by the African American Employee Resource Group (AAERG). The presentation will provide an overview of “Emotional Intelligence Theory,” which is facilitated through the lens of “Storytelling, Laws of Attraction, and Temperament Theory.” The session takes place in Building 59-3101 (Wang Hall) from noon to 1 p.m. More>

Full Description: Emotional Intelligence Training (EIT) is a solution based approach to managing stress and emotions. Emotional Intelligence is a different kind of smart; it affects how we navigate social complexities and make personal decisions to achieve positive results. Its practice is very simple to incorporate into all areas of daily living.

Derrick Bedford, or “DB” as he likes to be called, leads EIT workshops and retreats where participants are introduced to these remarkable skills by way of an interactive fun and exciting personality instrument. This easy to learn system identifies different evidence based temperament types enabling participants to gain a unique perspective with their personal and social competencies. In this noontime presentation DB will provide an overview of Emotional Intelligence Theory which is facilitated through the lens of Storytelling, Laws of Attraction, and Temperament Theory.

Remote access: zoom:

Bio for Derrick “DB” Bedford:
DB Bedford is an Oakland, CA native and has 20 years of experience in consulting, training and crisis intervention. In 2015, he authored his first book iNeverWorry which provides a unique perspective on Emotional Intelligence and Temperament Theory. His proprietary platform helps individuals and organizations achieve higher levels of success both personally and professionally.