Berkeley Lab

Be Well at Work Spring 2021 Parenting Workshops

Be Well at Work has a series of spring workshops for parents.

Please be sure to register in advance to receive the Zoom link.

Working from home and managing everyone’s schedules has created unprecedented stress for those caring for children. Expectations may be unrealistic right now, and yet we continue to put pressure on ourselves to do it all. Keeping healthy and safe is easily overlooked as the needs and demands of family members takes precedence. Join Be Well at Work Work/Life as we review unique challenges that caregivers of children and teenager may face at this time, and explore strategies for essential self-care when time is limited.

  • Understanding and Responding to Your Toddler’s Tantrums – Thursday, March 11th, noon – 1 pmWhether a child’s behavior during a tantrum is to hit, cry, kick or scream, these emotionally turbulent moments can cause caregivers to feel overwhelm, tension, guilt, sadness, or anger. In order to remain calm and patient supporters for children who are in the midst of a tantrum, we must first understand what is biologically happening. Only then can we focus on responding and assisting children to eliminate the big emotions they are feeling. In this workshop we will:

– Learn about the different types of tantrums
– Look at what happens in the body when a child is having a tantrum
– Discuss why they occur and what can cause them
– Identify ways of responding and being present to support your child during a tantrum
– And how tantrums can actually connect you with your child more.

(Photo by CDC on Unsplash)