Berkeley Lab

Lab Responses to “When there is equity on your team, what does it look like?”

During the third week of our “Make Your Voice Heard” events, staff and affiliates answered the question “When there is equity on your team, what does it look like?” Here are their responses.

Doesn’t matter where you were born, what you look like, who you know…you have the same opportunities.

Bridging the gap between somebody with access to opportunities and somebody without.


No discriminatory barriers.

Everyone has a fair chance.

No one is left out.

No cliques

Act =do something

All doors are open


Just and fair

Equity is assets – liabilities, right?

Listening to all teams members

It means ensuring that everyone on the team understands whatever we are working on, and has the resources they each need to be successful.  Both requires customization to the individual team member.


Being equal

Everyone is heard, everyone is listened to.

Acknowledging contributions and successes but sharing shortcomings and problems.

Zero barriers


Having equal opportunity

Making sure everyone reaches the same finish line, regardless of where they started.

Knowing that you CAN succeed.

Pay all employees at market rate, not just new hires!

People feel like they belong

Everyone feels comfortable asking for help

Everyone feels comfortable contributing and participating

Dissenting opinions do not fear reprisal

When everyone is doing equal work

No tiered parking

Parking isn’t governed by a class system

All on team are confident that they can voice their thoughts to the team, regardless of their experience levels


Feeling comfortable to voice my opinion and to know that it will be heard.

Everyone has a voice

Give all the opportunity to contribute and grow

Equity leads to cohesion which leads to strong team work

Giving everyone the chance to challenge themselves

To each according to their ability, to each according to their needs

Trust, listening, respecting ideas

All voices are heard

Equity leads to more acceptance and more success

Everyone feels comfortable to contribute

Everyone has the same opportunity and accessibility

Each team member is encouraged to supported in developing their full potential for contributing to our efforts, and rewarded equitably too.

Providing conference presentation opportunities to all who want them – for those who are less natural/skilled at presenting, provide them with the tools and support to succeed

Individual preferences/aspirations are considered when allocating team roles on a project, not just focusing on people’s existing skill sets. For  example, maybe a project involves coding, and we choose ‘Jane’ because she’s the coding expert. But maybe Jane doesn’t want to spend all her life coding, and maybe ‘Bill’ has been looking for an opportunity to learn coding


What’s equity?

Supervisors have less than 10 direct reports (5-7 is best). More than that and equity suffers.

I wish I could say. Our division is so hostile to the notion of equity that I can’t observe it.

Individual support and encouragement.

Recognizing individual contributions and development goals.

Equity is one of the most impactful, inspirational tools for empowerment. It raises the bar on my commitment to provide the highest level of effort in the workplace.

No favoritism.

Fair treatment – not necessarily equal treatment.

From the illustration in Elements, it appears that the goal in fact is not equal opportunity but equal outcomes.  Depending upon what is in view, the goal should be equal opportunity for everyone, and if the outcomes are also equal, all the better.  But doing ‘engineering’ to bring about equal outcomes is not good practice.

Given that everyone has the same set of tools and the same 24 hours in a day, it is the functionality of the team. The team should be working as  one cohesive unit where everyone complements each other. Embracing the strengths, value, uniqueness of everyone on the team.

Being yourself

Credit where credit is due.

Ensuring that qualified individuals are given opportunities for advancement even if they don’t fit someone else’s idea of what a manager “should” look like.

Your ideas count as much as my ideas.

When you don’t feel like a guest visitor after 6 years.

Initially, my thought is, I need to read the dictionary more often.  To me, the phrase means that as we endeavor to treat all of our members as equals, it is important to also embrace and cherish our differences.  There is value in our differences.  And anything of value, can be used to drive improvement.

It is fair. We are not overwhelmed. We have enough

The AHA! moment when everyone is on the same wavelength.

Equity on my team means everybody gets to perform at their best.

People will be listened to…

Equity is giving everyone a fair chance to the same opportunities.

Everyone has equal say in projects and equal information is distributed all team member at the same time.

Equity is providing access to so everyone has similar opportunities.

Lab people let’s smile…no mad, angry expressions!

Equal opportunity for equity.

Everyone has the support they need to succeed.

Everyone would have opportunities to be heard.

Equal accessibility to opportunities.

Fairness in opportunity…

Everyone is given a chance to succeed.

Equal: the good and the bad

More people speaking up @ meetings.

…management listens to all matters brought up by Ph.D. students postdocs, interns, staff scientists, etc.

When there is equity on my team, then I won’t hear people bad-mouthing or diminishing other members!

Having your voice and opinions respected.

Equity means allowing everyone a chance to be successful.

Equal treatment & opportunity

Equal treatment in compensation, but also how we treat others and value their contributions and ideas.

Fair & equal treatment regardless of background, race, religion, etc.

transparent wages & benefits & better delineation of roles; more time management

Equity make the Lab environment more welcoming & every one will be more productive & successful.

It will make a woman with family and a career not have to re-evaluate her choices every single moment. That may help retention.

Everyone has the opportunity to succeed


Equity gives me the opportunity to be the best I can be.

…would empower those who are on a non-level field.

Broader perspective for problem solving.

Feeling of ownership and belonging.

Making sure everyone has fair opportunity to contribute.

No blue triangle parking.


…not asking for enough…OR …asking for a lot more…

Everyone gets the same opportunity!

Every individual has the opportunity to voice their opinion openly and be respected/valued.

Favoritism does not exist.

Everyone heard vs Everyone has an opportunity to be heard.

Equity in a team would take the best out of the skill set of the individual. Best use of resources!

Evaluation if a wager is worth taking


Fair.  Respect. Trust. Welcoming.

It looks like HOPE.

I believe in equity & inclusion.

Foreign language affiliates are given additional help/accommodations for written reports and presentations.

Welcoming ideas and opinions from all employees!

Everyone is given the tools they need to contribute to the team’s success.

Equity means…everyone on our team feels safe when contribution ideas.

Every individual can freely speak out their own point of view.

I’m not tall. So equity (like the picture) is so good 🙂

It means everyone getting the opportunities and compensation that are commensurate to each person’s capabilities and outputs.


Equity on my team means we all contribute our best abilities to complete every task or project.

Everybody has been heard.

Every employee feels free to speak and take initiative.

Everyone’s voices are heard. Feedback is objective.

More team members equal amount of worth for all

Team work — EVERYONE jumps in to get the job done.

Everyone involved has a voice and something valid to share.

Eliminating obstacles to advancement.

Fair hirings and promotions.

Everyone has a chance to pursue professional development.

Being ever curious about how we can support opportunities for development for each team member.

Making sure everyone feels comfortable speaking up and has a voice in meetings

A team of workers who enjoy coming to work to solve problems and support science at the Lab. Happy teams can do anything.

Pay to match the economy

D&I never had to exist because there is true IMPARTIALITY!

Fair treatment and opportunities for every employee to grow, develop and excel.

Everyone should get fair pay and chance for advancement

Equity is the process of understanding the root causes of what causes disparities in order to increase justice and fairness within an organization’s policies and procedures.

Equity is the effort to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented a person’s full participation of that opportunity.

Equity is having the same type of opportunities and access to them.

Excited colleagues who feel empowered to come to work and do their best due to opportunity parity