Berkeley Lab

DOE Releases Gender Transition Guidelines

The IDEA Office is proud to announce that the DOE has recently released its Gender Transition Guidelines for DOE staff!

The announcement was made during this year’s annual Progress Pride Flag-raising event at DOE Headquarters with Secretary Granholm and Director Baker on June 6, 2024. You can view photos of the event here.

The guidelines were developed to assist DOE’s transgender and nonbinary employees, as well as provide recommendations for co-workers and supervisors on ways to ensure support for their colleagues. The guidelines include definition of terms, suggested steps and timeline, resources, and information about privacy and confidentiality.

The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (ODEIA) within DOE’s Office of Energy Justice and Equity (EJE) collaborated with the Energy PRIDE Employee Resource Group (ERG) and internal partners to develop these guidelines for the DOE. As the former Head of ODEIA, Berkeley Lab’s Chief DEI Officer, Lady Idos, provided guidance to the team who spearheaded the benchmarking, development, and formal review of the guidelines.

The recommended practices in the guidelines support the DOE staff in achieving the Department mission to enable inclusion and belonging for high performing teams, and serve as a tool to ensure all employees are treated with respect and dignity.

Visit DOE’s ODEIA on Energy Hub to download your copy of the guidelines. For more information, please contact the ODEIA Workforce Engagement Division at If you are unable to access the document on Energy Hub, please view this guest access tutorial to get started.