Berkeley Lab

Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association Hosts Kick-Off Event on March 28

yyc025With the recent launch of the Berkeley Lab Postdoc Association, the BLPA will be hosting their kick-off social event on Monday, March 28th @ 5:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria Dining Hall.  This will be a catered event with refreshments and snacks.  BLPA events and meetings are open to all postdocs (LBNL and affiliates), graduate students, and early career researchers.  Please RSVP to attend – click here.

BLPA’s Executive Sponsor, Lab Deputy Director Horst Simon, will provide a welcome message, followed by an introduction to BLPA by the steering committee: Antoine Wojdyla, Etosha Cave, and Valentine Trotter.  Guests will have an opportunity to participate in a networking activity, as well as an informal “meet-and-greet” with other researchers.  The date and location of the first general meeting in April will also be announced (date TBD).  BLPA will plan to host monthly social gatherings for its members.

For more information, please contact, or visit (website) or (social media).