Berkeley Lab

Zoom Tip for Gender Pronouns

The Lambda Alliance has done a lot of work to bring awareness to gender pronouns at the Lab, including incorporating in signature lines and meeting introductions.

One new tip for Zoom to support inclusion in your teams: you can add your pronouns to your name, so it shows every time you log in to Zoom.

Login to your Zoom account and go to:
– Preferences
– Profile
– Add your pronouns after your last name in parentheses ex: Jane Doe (she/her)


Talking about Pronouns in the Workplace – Increasingly, employees are entering the workplace with gender identities and expressions that may be different from what we most frequently think of when discussing gender. Gender expansive employees – those that do not self-identify as male or female – often challenge existing understanding and norms around gender. These employees may opt to use gender expansive pronouns such as “they, them and theirs” instead of the gendered “he, him and his” or “she, her and hers.”

Respecting Pronouns Flyer – This two-page handout created by the Lambda Alliance covers how to lead by example, being an ally, creating a culture of inclusion and examples of pronouns.

One-Minute-for-IDEA Slide: Respecting Pronouns

One-Minute-for-IDEA Slide: Why Pronouns Matter