Berkeley Lab

Learn About the Lab’s Efforts to Map the Universe – May 28

Learn about 12 billion years of cosmic history, and the 5,000 fibers that will be used to map the universe over the next five years in a science@home presentation from DESI Lab researchers Claire Poppett and David Schlegel. The project’s goal: to construct a 3D map of the universe.

Date: Thursday, May 28

Time: 1 – 2 pm

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The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument project will measure the effect of dark energy on the expansion of the universe. It will obtain optical spectra for tens of millions of galaxies and quasars, constructing a 3D map spanning the nearby universe to 11 billion light-years.

Read more about the project and watch a video on the international hunt for dark energy in preparation for this session. The material is suitable for middle school and higher students.