Berkeley Lab

Lab Responses to “What is one thing you can do to be accountable for IDEA on your team?”

It was our last week of the “Make Your Voice Heard” events and the question was about accountability: “What is one thing you can do to be accountable for IDEA on your team?”

Learn how to safely say something when we see something

The idea of cultural differences have created many celebrated traditions in America. Embrace the differences.

Be a role model!

Don’t let exhaustion prevent needed dialogue.

Tolerance may not be inherent.

Be dependable

Respect what everyone else brings to the table.

Think first before complaining.

Respect different cultures.

Be responsible with my time and my priorities.

Ensure all team members have a voice in discussion (and are encouraged/supported).

Don’t tolerate concern trolling.

Be on time & focused

Discretely tattle or directly address in private.

Watch what I say before I say it.

Be patient

Look for diversity in hiring. Hire experienced people and not just who you know.

Respond to complaints we have as employees. The resolution of complaints is no good.

Use empathy

Listen. It is equally important to listen to your manager, your peers and your direct reports.

Ask the question “Would I want to be thought of or treated this way.”

Incorporate a short 1-3 minute discussion before the meeting begins on how we can be more inclusive and incorporate IDEA principles more often

Having clear pathways to obtain accountability when needed (clear operational systems).

Make sure I treat everyone equally and provide the same opportunities.

Support junior team members to learn and grow more effectively

Represent all team members to show our true identity.

Be dedicated and honest.

Invite more people with diverse perspectives to participate and speak up.

Follow through

Hold monthly IDEA meetings

Communicate issues

Speak up!

Be fully present and listen to others

Encourage communication

Show up on time!

Listen to others that are less outspoken.

Knowing that “I” do the right thing. Being self accountable.

We can be held accountable through hiring and how we treat employees.

Treat everyone equally – allow all voices to be heard and model inclusive behavior

Hold time for IDEA in group meetings

Check in with myself about my actions and my team with their feelings and ideas

Treat the women on the team equally with the men

Help and coach people who are less vocal

Listen to what anyone has to say and validate their ideas.

Being open to suggestions from the whole team.

I can support individual and team security by being aware of my environment.

Create anonymous polls for feedback.

Model good behavior and highlight this behavior in others

Have co-workers and peers rate your performance and if it is not up to speed work on incorporating IDEA more.

Speak up about injustice

Be responsible for your own actions and behavior.

Be open minded to all views and be receptive and responsive to everyone’s opinion.

Respect all views and opinions. Try to see the merit in even the most opposite view to how you see the world.

Give team members opportunities to provide feedback privately/anonymously.

Uphold foundational principles…”We hold these truths…”

When I see or feel myself or a team member becoming uncomfortable with another’s actions/words, I ought to speak up about it without confrontation… either directly with the other person privately or with management

…celebrate the success of others…

Make sure that everybody on Team feels heard.

Listen, not judge & build trust.

I have a diverse group and I make sure that every person knows that they have the opportunity to train and advance.

Create hiring committees that are trained in implicit bias and made up of diverse individuals.

We WILL have a respectful conversation if we need to.

Good communications

Being mindful of speech

Develop a protocol to communicate accountability so that no one gets offended or surprised.

Speak Out. Talk Direct.

Give visibility to others

Empowering my guys to strive to be the best.

Ensure everyone’s voice gets heard in meetings

Encourage inclusion & conversations

Be nice to everyone.

Be open to listen to other’s ideas.

Be nice to other drivers by allow fellow shuttle drivers to pass or reset.

Make an effort to be aware of others’ views, ideas, etc.

Check in with others…

Share knowledge

Good communications

Speak out

Never complain; always contribute.

Provide opportunities for individuals to interact with people not within their circle. Anti-segregation.

Being dependable

Give everyone opportunity to share in the way that works for their communication style.

Participate and be present.

Make it a point to provide diverse representational genders and ethnicities in my training materials.

Be respectful of our differences.

Always be ready for your team to do the right thing.

Look for diversity in hiring; expect it.

I need to make sure all my junior colleagues get properly introduced to people around them.

Be an active witness.

Accountability is everyone’s responsibility.

I will ensure that there are equal opportunities for all team members.

Communicate earnestly about the challenges.

Build trust & use trust to provide guidance in real time

Be coachable

Micro-inclusions & appreciation go-around


Showing up

Chance to be heard!


Use “50 Ways” cards to fight bias and use the cards at monthly meetings.

Responsibility towards people’s physical and mental safety.

Welcoming veterans to make sure they feel apart of the lab.

Making the team commit to time to learn and holding them to it.

Be honest in feedback and open to feedback from others.

Treat others as you would like to treated.

Responding to complaints and making changes to improve the environment for everyone.

Provide ideas and suggest strategies.



Be transparent in what I do and don’t

Practice strong ethics

Make a commitment to change.

Continue to learn and grow

Re-think my assumptions.


Listen and act

Be vocal and visible about my support for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

Ask everyone at the start of a meeting to please put away laptops and cell phones (when possible) and give undivided attention and respect to all speakers.

Making sure people understand communication is 2 separate things: “message given” and “interpretation taken”. Often times, these are 2 different things due to language barriers, cultural interpretation, social intelligence, personality and character. Making sure those 2 definitions match and, when they don’t, expressing self awareness and not getting influenced by “automatic emotional disturbance followed by brain interpretation” is fundamental to keep relationships healthy and productive teams!

Clear and concise communication with all team members. If I were team leader I would take time for one-on-one conversations, especially with team members who are less vocal than their boisterous counterparts.

Make everyone comfortable.

When I hear from others about issues they have, I can take active steps to support them or help them to find resources (versus just listening).

Express that we possess innovative characteristics and always pro active/initiative, know when we are under “direct supervision” or general supervision, so those ideas are not a problem

Making people aware and empowered to promote DEI behaviors.

I speak up to make someone aware if they are not demonstrating behaviors of DEI. For example, ensuring my colleagues know that using a microphone for large meetings is needed in case there is someone attending who has hearing challenges. It’s really an ADA issue, not about their ability to speak up or project their voice.

Transparent, data-driven decision-making.

Open a dialogue about it.

More saying hi to colleagues.

Empower and trust your employees to do the best job of their abilities.  Don’t micromanage.

I can reach out to team members to check in with them on their stress level at least 2x a week.