Berkeley Lab

Mentorship: Giving Colleagues a Hand Up

students working on computerMentorship is one of the most effective ways to make a difference in someone’s career. Read about how the Computing Sciences Area’s mentorship program got started, and about similar mentorship programs in other Areas.

Back in 2009, Deb Agarwal, then a research scientist in Computing Sciences, was mulling over some very interesting information she had collected. Whenever she asked senior-level women in computer science about what made the biggest difference in their careers, the answer was always the same. Their mentors.

“I used to attend women’s mentorship workshops and came across many very successful women,” said Deb, now Department Head and Senior Scientist in the Computational Research Division. “All of them mentioned the mentorship they received as the single most important contributor to their success. I understood this to mean that mentorship is a key to success, not just for women but for everyone.”

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